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Shareholders Resolution Increasing


After it was duly moved, seconded, and discussed, the following resolution was adopted by a majority of the shareholders entitled to vote.

RESOLVED, that authorized capital stock of $ [Capital of Corporation] of the Corporation, each share having a value of $ [Value per share], is hereby increased to a total authorized capital stock of [New amount of capital], consisting of [New shares] shares, each having a par value of $ [Value of new shares], and it is

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation's officers are directed to file a certificate setting forth the above change in the capital stock in the appropriate state office.

The undersigned, [Name of Officer], certifies that he or she is the duly appointed Secretary of Corporation and that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the shareholders thereof, convened and held in accordance with law and the Bylaws of said Corporation on [Date of meeting], and that such resolution is now in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have affixed my name as Secretary of [Name of Corporation] Corporation and have attached the seal of [Name of Corporation] Corporation to this resolution.

Dated: [Date Signed]
